There are still people in the world who regularly support missionaries and their ministries as a part of their regular giving. What are they like? Why do they support the work of missions when others don’t?
Below are a few reasons why people like us support missionaries.
People like us give because we know.
We know that missionaries live solely by the love gifts of others. Their good work doesn’t get done without a team of financial partners.
People like us give because we trust.
We give to people we trust because we know that their character and/or have seen their consistency.
People like us give because we care.
We actually care about the causes our missionaries represent. We may not be able to do everything, but it doesn’t stop us from doing something.
People like us give because we see worth.
We believe that our financial support actually has eternal value and worth in the sight of God and real people are impacted.
People like us give because we are thankful.
We realize that God has blessed us to be a blessing and our offerings are a tangible sign of our thankfulness.
People like us give because we are intentional.
We take time to really pray about what we should do and then we do whatever we hear. We actually go to the site and pull out our check card.
People like us give because we love Jesus.
We have been given so much because of what Jesus has done for us. We believe that Jesus is worth sharing with the world!