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Some folks are just plain apathetic.

They don’t care about what God is doing globally to bring the nations to Jesus.

Some folks are ignorant.

They don’t know there are still over 2 billion people in nearly 7k unreached people groups that have little to no access to the Gospel; that over 3k of those groups are not being engaged AT ALL by ANYONE.

Some folks are zealous.

They are willing to sell it all to obey the call, but they are not strategic or skillful once they are there.  They may often say to themselves, “now what”?

Some folks are incomplete.

They have taken short term trips and are involved in local outreaches themselves, but they have not found a place where they can sow into long term missions to the frontiers, the places where Christ is not yet known.

What We Need…

We need folks that know, have wisdom and understanding, zeal, and those who are skilled.

We need a new army of pray-ers, send-ers, and go-ers, but in order to do that there needs to be those who wave the banner for the frontiers.

Those who sound the alarm and wake up the sleeping army.

Those who mobilize them to play their unique and individual role.

If you have ever had a loud “rude” awakening, it is not pleasant or fun.  But once you have been roused and recognize the gravity of the situation, you can be prepared to join the fight.

The fight that we are involved in is for nothing less than the glory of God Himself, among all nations and peoples.

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