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Short term missions trips have been growing in popularity over the last few decades with a large number of churches taking multiple yearly trips. When done right, these short term trips have been a huge source of blessing to missionaries and ministries all over the world. However, when done with the wrong motivation, they can do more harm than good.

Missionary statesman, George Verwer, has been involved in short and long term missions for over 50 years. During that time, he has identified 10 types of people who, if unwilling to check themselves and change, should stay away from short term missions. Here is his list, insert “Ms.” where needed:

1. Mr. Selfish
2. Mr. Tourist
3. Mr. Lazy
4. Mr. Big Spender
5. Mr. Insensitive
6. Mr. Critical
7. Mr. Unteachable
8. Mr. Prayerless
9. Mr. Addicted
10. Mr. Proud

Don’t be one of these 10 people. Better to be called something like “Mr. Sacrificial” and “Mr. Loving.”

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