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Nearly twenty five years ago, a message left a powerful mark on my life and shaped my ministry.

Missionary Evangelist Steve Hill preached a message where he used Olympic torchbearers as an illustration. He vividly painted the picture of those who had the honor of carrying the olympic torch for their nation while the world looked on.

Each person didn’t run the race completely on their own, but had the responsibility to pass the torch to the next person.  

Eventually the fire would make it all the way to the crowded and cheering stadium to the final consummation.

The evangelist asked the crowd what they thought would happen if one of those runners decided that he didn’t want to run anymore?

What if he didn’t want to carry the fire? What if he chose to give up?

What shame he would bring to his country and himself!  

The world is watching and expecting the fire to be lit so the festivities can begin, but someone didn’t make their connection.

In the same way…

I realized I had been given a torch.  It is the calling that God placed on my life.

I realized it is only as valuable as my ability to pass it on to others.  

The gift, the burden, the experiences, and the power need to be transferred to the waiting generation.  

If I chose to drop the torch, it would mean failure and shame for my nation, the Kingdom of God.

The message stays with me. It is still is deep inside today.  

It motivates me to push forward despite the aches, pains, and set backs. It pushes me beyond my weaknesses.  

When I fail I get back up. I learn from it and press on again. 

For the joy that is set before me, I run this race with perseverance.  

And I am just getting started.

There is a “fire” that I carry on the inside.  

It is a passion and zeal representing a zeal for the Glory of God in the Earth and a passion for this generation to come to know it.

This fire also represents a zealous love which compels us.  It represents power.  The power to enact the mission of Luke 4:18-19 and make it a reality in the Earth.

Jesus promised that he would baptize his followers with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11, Acts 1:8) In fact, God Himself is represented as a “consuming fire.” (Hebrews 12:29)

God desires for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.  

He sent His only begotten Son into the world that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life. God didn’t send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. He has called each of us to be ambassadors of this simple message of Good News.

The message we carry and spread is a counter-cultural message.


It is a powerful message whose wisdom is not of this world.  

Satan, the enemy of God, wants us as to be apathetic and unconcerend so he can do as he pleases.  One of his highest goals is for people to be “asleep” and not pursuing anything for God’s glory.

But God wants us “on fire.” He wants us in passionate pursuit of Him and His eternal Kingdom purposes.

So here I am, nearly 25 years later after hearing the life changing message on the torchbearer…

My life’s motto is:

No matter where I am, who I’m with, and what I’m doing…my goal is the same…

to SpreadTheFlame.

I hope you will make it yours too.


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