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Want to get involved in global missions?  I believe it all starts with supporting your local church.

  • Bring your tithes and offerings to support the local vision
  • Pray for your leaders to have a global vision
  • Serve wherever you are able to strengthen your home base
  • Be involved in local outreach to reach your “Jerusalem”
  • Tell stories of what God is doing among the nations
  • Pray regularly and specifically for unreached peoples
  • Support the local missionaries supported & backed by your church
  • Be on the lookout for those from your own “house” that God may raise up and send

This may seem counterintuitive to some, but it really makes sense.

The local church is the hope of the world as it a base for the expansion of the Kingdom of God, both locally, across ethnic lines, and even to the uttermost ends of the earth.

As we are built up in local community, we are practicing the basics of what is happening all over the world in mission.

Worship, discipleship, outreach, and community life are the basics of mission.  If we don’t get it locally, there is no sense in trying to go out globally.

There are many “causes” out there to support, but Kingdom always extend out from local bodies of believers.  Even pioneers are sent and supported by local bodies.

My wife and I are happy to have been sent out by our own local church with full prayer backing and support.  We could not have done what we’ve done without their help.  It takes an army and that army starts with the local church, the gathering of local.

Of course there are other ways to be involved in God’s global mission, but I believe that local church is where it all starts.  It is a strong and sure foundation that keeps mission on track when its done right.

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