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SpreadtheFlame exists to spread the full Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18-19) and to empower the global mission of God (Acts 1:8-9). 

We seek to accomplish this mission by empowering both individuals and leadership teams see their God given missional visions come to pass.

We do this through an emphasis on passionate




and strategic consultation.


Disciples are not only created through head knowledge, but also by dealing with the heart, the will, and the emotions. Multitudes of people in our generation are stunted in their spiritual growth because of unresolved issues such as trauma, emotional wounds, addictions, and dysfunctional patterns. I have known these issues well and believe the Gospel has the answer. God’s purpose is to heal us so that we are not simply focused on ourselves, but on helping others. Discipleship includes understanding the infinite worth and absolute supremacy of Jesus Christ, our calling as
“the saints”, the Missio Dei, the remaining task and priority of world evangelization, and the part we all must play in bringing forth true justice.


Without strong global hearted five-fold ministry leaders, the cause of the God’s global mission will be stunted and stalled in this generation. We need leaders who can honestly say like the Apostle Paul, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ,” not leaders who say “Don’t look at me. I’m no different than you.” We believe Christian leadership starts in the home with the family and it is carried out, first and foremost, in the secret place of our hearts before the Lord. We believe that humility is a key grace that will mark the leaders that God uses to build his Kingdom. Many have built big and gained much in the way of human accolades over many years of ministry, only to be blinded by their own hubris and pride in the end. Their falls have done more damage to the Body of Christ than their decades of ministry did to build it. It is a time for leaders to listen to what is being said by the Holy Spirit in this hour and to prepare to make the reforms that are needed to move forward.


 Each new generation needs to be mobilized to play their part in the global mission of God. The generation ahead owes it to the generation behind to ensure that their ceiling is the next generation’s floor. Mobilizers are called to rally allies, partners, and resources to help overcome obstacles and find solutions for new Kingdom advances. The power of a mobilizer is seen in preparing and sending one hundred men and women into the cause rather than being one man working alone. Or the power of mobilization can be seen in the power of a group of one hundred leaders working together to prepare and send exponentially more than any one of them could do alone. By clearly and passionately articulating the cause, people have the opportunity to not only align themselves with the message, but to play their part by taking action.


Many times we are too close to the problem or have been at the “coal face” too long to see new solutions or potential solutions. Visionaries and operational leaders need a fresh set of eyes and real world experience to help us find alternative ways to seeing breakthrough. Some of the best leaders are multi dimensional in their approach and experience breakthrough by drawing in a variety of new perspectives and insights at critical moments in their history. In the real world solutions are never one dimensional. In times of transition, change, and growth there is always a need for the right kind of person to help facilitate a process where all voices and perspectives are heard and considered and where the best solutions are mined through a guided strategic approach. Strategic Planning is a critical skillset that is needed to define where we are headed, identity the obstacles to getting there, and ensure everyone knows their specific part to play, along with agreed upon accountability.


We believe in the historical pattern of prayer, revival, mission, and awakening. Everything of Spiritual value begins in and is sustained by prayer. Revival is the work of the Holy Spirit in returning us back to intimacy with the Father and understanding His ways. It is a place of waking up from the dead and seeing what was once hidden. It is understanding and knowing the heart of God. It is out of the place of intimacy and encounter that we volunteer freely to join Him in His mission, wherever we are in life. 

From the place of understanding “mission”, we are sent as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God to people and nations to bring forth awakening and justice. God implores his message of reconciliation and invitation to mission through us to others. He animates and sustains the work that He has started in us through the fire and gifts of the Holy Spirit. When we are filled to overflowing with His zeal and wisdom, we are able to “spread the flame” by influencing others and making like hearted disciples, who in turn make other passionate disciples.

We endeavor to begin our work in the Spirit, not simply in human strategy. We believe that true strategy that builds God’s Kingdom comes from standing in Heaven’s council and hearing his instructions. Wisdom is the principle thing. We don’t simply dive into a task without inviting the Holy Spirit to be present and active in leading and guiding our conversations and our ways through the working of wisdom.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit include the gifts of administrations and leadership. Spirit led planning doesn’t negate the need for good operational strategy and administration, rather it enhances and flavors it.

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